Revenue from your liquidity in an anonymous and private way
Would you like to be able to make a profit by depositing your liquidity in Hatom as collateral, but privately, away from curious eyes, respecting your privacy and security? Sometimes we forget how important privacy is, in the same way that we would not publish the funds we have deposited in a bank investment fund, we should maintain the privacy of our investments in DeFi protocols. This is even more important in MultiversX, where many users have their wallet linked to a HeroTag. While this makes it easier to exchange tokens between family and friends, it also creates a security problem as it is easier to track our movements.
That anyone can see that we have 100 eglds may not be a cause for concern today, but what if Egld were worth $1000? This is a real risk, and we should be able to keep our accounts private and secure.
XTwister brings a solution to this problem. As of our new version, all funds that are deposited into our smart contract are forwarded as collateral to the Hatom protocol. A user will be able to send the funds to xTwister and after some time withdraw them with a new wallet without any link to the one used for the deposit. He will receive in addition to his initial funds the profit generated by the hatom APY
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